TGAT2020 Blog

Posts tagged with Tasmania

  1. Emma looks back on Stage 1: Running across Tasmania

    2020-04-02 16:44:00 UTC

    Half a World Away It’s February 22nd. I’m sat in my conservatory in the UK, wrapped up in a blanket with a mug of hot squash, and the cat’s curled up on a chair next to me. The rain is hammering on the conservatory roof and outside it’s grey and…

  2. TGAT Expedition Diaries (ep3) - Last Legs

    2020-03-12 06:34:00 UTC

    The Great Australian Triathlon Diaries - Last Legs (Episode 3) Catch up with Ben, Emma, Claire and JD during the final few days of their human-powered crossing of Tasmania as part of the The Great Australian Triathlon. They are most certainly on their last legs as they draw closer to…

  3. Running Across Tasmania, the Best Gear to Take

    2020-02-05 10:09:39 UTC

    It was fairly easy to decide to run across Tasmania, but only afterwards when the organisation and training starts did I begin to realise what a challenge we’d taken up. One area I’d thought little about before committing to the run was kit. In this article I’ll give a quick…

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